Imagine being able to handle these types of appointments or follow-up calls using an easy app and get reimbursed for them

  • Prescription refills
  • Test results
  • Treatment clarifications
  • Check-ins between appointments
  • Behavioral health concerns
  • Common questions
  • Health updates
  • After-hours care

So many other industries have used technology to better serve their customers while creating efficiency in a way that improves their bottom line. Why can't medical practices?

About V2MD:
V2MD is our virtual visit solution that connects doctors with their existing patients using secure, HIPAA-compliant, two-way video technology….and it’s free for providers. With V2MD, practices run more efficiently and profitably, turning communication like callbacks and follow-ups into reimbursable time.


Download our free cost calculator to see how much more revenue you can generate for your practice with virtual visits.

Upcoming Event: Register Today! 

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